Cushion with tassels made to your liking

24,95 VAT included

This cushion can be ordered with tassels in various colors and you can also personalize it with the embroidered name. As with most of our products, the customer chooses the fabric for this item.

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Write here the number of the fabric with which you want this article to be made. The article fabrics can be found listed in the photo gallery of this article.

cushion size

Tassel color

Personalize with name or short phrase

You can write name or short phrase up to 20 characters

Thread color

This selection will only be taken into consideration if you choose to make the cushion with the name embroidered.

Product price: 24,95 VAT included
Total options:
Order total:

This item currently takes approximately 15 working days to be manufactured.


Precioso cojín personalizable con el nombre o frase corta. Hecho con telas que podéis ver en la galería de fotos y con borla en varios colores. Tambien podéis elegir entre 10 colores de hilo por si queréis que lleve el nombre bordado o una frase corta.

  • Medidas: 30 x 40 cm y 40 x 40 cm
  • Composición: Algodón 100% natural. Relleno cojín incluido



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